Become a Sponsor
Sponsoring 99.7 Bridge FM is a great way to connect with local people who love supporting their community – and you’ll be helping keep us on air.
Your sponsorship helps us keep engaging with our community, participating in key community events and providing airtime to charities, community groups and other not-for-profit groups.
Plus, it’s part of our community charter to give local businesses the opportunity to promote themselves, in a medium that works, without breaking the budget! Our sponsorship rates are very cost effective, and we have options for every budget.
- Community radio listening in Brisbane has grown by 9.7% in the last year alone, to 30% of all radio listeners, with 545,000 listeners in an average week (McNair Ingenuity Research Pty Ltd 2018).
- A massive 95% of listeners believe community radio is a valuable asset to the Australian community (McNair Ingenuity Research Pty Ltd 2016)
- Only 5 minutes of sponsorships are allowed per hour which means that your message stands out from the crowd!
- Helps position your business as part of the local community—people love hearing local people on air who are connected to their community. This builds trust and credibility for your business.
- It’s cost-effective—spend those savings in other mediums.
Why Sponsor Community Radio?
- Community radio listening in Brisbane has grown by 9.7% in the last year alone, to 30% of all radio listeners, with 545,000 listeners in an average week (McNair Ingenuity Research Pty Ltd 2018).
- A massive 95% of listeners believe community radio is a valuable asset to the Australian community (McNair Ingenuity Research Pty Ltd 2016)
- Only 5 minutes of sponsorships are allowed per hour which means that your message stands out from the crowd!
- Helps position your business as part of the local community—people love hearing local people on air who are connected to their community. This builds trust and credibility for your business.
- It’s cost-effective—spend those savings in other mediums.
Who Listens to Community Radio
Oct 2017/May 2018 Representative sample of people 15+ throughout Brisbane. Source McNair Ingenuity Research Pty Ltd
How To Get Started
To get a copy of our rate card, or just to chat about your options, give us a call or drop us a line.